2024 Employment Law Update

We had a great 2024 Employment Law Update with Kate Bischoff. A few highlights:

  • We are seeing some federal cases that may affect the authority of some federal agencies such as the NLRB or the DOL. HR professionals need to pay attention as much of the work we do will change.
  • Question came up about First Amendment rights and employers: reminder that private employers can provide consequences to employees based on what they share on social media.
  • Kate doesn’t recommend having a separate social medial policy. Ensure social media is covered as part of other policies where applicable.
  • The Crown Act: you cannot discriminate based on natural hair styles. A neon green mohawk would not be covered.
  • Return to Office policies: if your employees have been working remotely and you want them back in the office, be sure you are sharing the why, giving employees a reason they would want to come into the office (free coffee and/or lunch probably wouldn’t be enough).
  • If you want to use AI, be sure you are checking for bias, especially with candidate selection. Double check anything you use AI for.
  • Cannabis is becoming legal in more states. We will likely see changes to cannabis legality at the federal level. Even if it does become legal, you do not need to allow employees to come to work high. Train your managers to recognize impairment.

See more highlights on this Twitter thread.

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